Sunday, September 30, 2012

i Write

I find myself struggling with inspiration
to write about something but whats my motivation
what story should i choose and what event should i address
and i cant think of anything...
then i think about it clearly, about what i hold on to dearly
its not my current situations, but the problems i was facing
as a child,
and then i realize that im not the only one who never got to speak
so this is why i write, i write for them not for me
i write for the kids struggling not knowing what to do
i write for the young boys thugging trying to fit in to be cool
i write for the little girl screaming daddy get off me
while her mom is only in the other room drinking her coffee
i write for the infants who was abandoned by their family
not knowing what it is so i know it can be damaging
i write for the little boy who's running in the streets
following the footsteps of his dad, but not knowing where they lead
i write for the little girls who pushing out all these kids
not knowing how to love them, because nobody ever did
i write for the young girl who was raped and killed by a uncle
never made the news because they didnt wanna stir up any trouble
i write for the young boys who do crimes just for attention
in and out of jail but never claim to learn there lesson
i write for the parents who drink away all there problems
ignoring there kids, and faced with situations not knowing how to solve them
i write for the dads who actually stayed in his kids life
but not being able to hold a job and not being able to provide
i write for the moms who have been left by there babys fathers
and struggling to take care of her kids, but cant even give them any water
working two jobs just to make enough to be broke
and still making it to spelling bees and soccer games
still providing christmas trees and candy canes
still managing to be all that she can be
when inside she's dealing with a pain that nobody can see
but she fights to be a mom and raise her children right
and when her kids take the wrong path, i can feel her start to die
i write for the millions of children who wake up everyday ready to die
never having anyone to love, tell them that their special in their eyes
i write for the young boy, educated and determined
but was faced with cancer and unfortunately lost a battle
no more shining star in the sky, but more tears in their eyes
i write for the young girl straight A student
got into a good college and had something to prove
self-motivated girl carried her own weight and pulled it
but was walking home late and killed by a stray bullet
i write for the parents who have to bury their children first
the rain doesnt seem to stop, the light taken away by a black hearst
the death never seems to end, and pain never seems to mend
but holding all that in, and wishing you could scream
i write for you so you can let go of that pain that you keep
yea i know its hard, but how you gonna live
with bottled up emotions because you never forgive
i write for those who smile but not knowing what its worth
and nobody knows there pain there just smiling when it hurts
i write for those who cry cause they havent got it out this long
dealing with it everyday because they thought it made them strong
i write for those who cant seem to ever stop stressing
faced with it every day and missing out on all there blessings
i write for those who dont have anyone to turn to
i write for those who never had any words to use
i write for the millions of people who cant seem to use there voices
i write for the millions more whos lives were taking over dumb choices
i write for the stories put to the side over all those irrelevant factors
i write for those who have a story to tell the ones that really matter
i know we all have our problems but this is nothing new
but there all millions of people out there who have it rougher than you
yea i may have a story and problems deep as the sea
but im writing for them cause this is bigger than me
im writing for all of you cause this is bigger than me..

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